
It's all about Love...and Chocolate!

Art and Chocolate.  Chocolate and Art.  

I thought this was worth sharing.  Love and chocolate...I Love it!
Beautiful and delicious looking artwork for the 2013 Godiva Golden Globes party.  What a beautiful display of love, and chocolate!  I was thinking that perhaps this is where all the unsold chocolate goes, although it is hard to believe that it's even possible to not sell all the chocolate.  However it's even harder for me to think that all this chocolate will go to waste after this!  Sad really for this chocolate lover to imagine any chocolate going to waste!  But this display is beautiful and it's all about love...and chocolate, and I love both!
"The large Rose and chocolate LOVE installation was inspired by the notion “true love takes two,” this installation illustrates the perfect marriage of chocolate and roses as two ways to communicate love."

and another

"The LOVE installation in balloon letters was inspired by the music during the “Summer of Love” and the Beatles’ famed song, “All you Need is Love

TASTEfully done!

One can never have too much Love and Chocolate!...