
Giving Thanks

The Thanksgiving holiday was a time to gather with Family and Friends enjoying the time together along with great food.  It's good to be thankful everyday, but in the midst of our busy lives having one day to slow down and enjoy together as we count the many blessings in our life, is one to be truly grateful and thankful for.  I enjoyed having the house full and the joy of us all spending time together, sharing stories and laughter, and eating.  Lots and lots of eating!

Our guests were Hubby's parents, his brother and his wife, both of our daughters, our son-in-law, and our granddaughters, and a family friend.  With ten adults, two sweet and energetic little girls and three active and lively pups all together here, we managed a good-timing time!  We had much of the traditional goodies for our Thanksgiving dinner with of course, thee always the star: the turkey.  It was accompanied by a very tasty smoked-ham, prepared and brought by my Father and Mother-in-law.  Along with sides of stuffing or dressing (we call it that since we don't stuff the turkey with it); candied sweet potatoes, topped with marshmallows; green bean casserole; mashed potatoes and turkey gravy; macaroni salad (my-cheesy macaroni pasta shell salad); deviled eggs; whole cranberry sauce and jellied cranberry sauce; and fresh baked french loaf bread.  Also for desserts, chocolate cream pie, pecan pie, and a chocolate fudge bundt cake.

Everything was placed out on one table for buffet style serve yourself plate filling.  That's the way to do it!  It was a delicious dinner and I feel sure that everyone was happily full and satisfied by the end of it.  I'm glad that others did capture some photos of the day,  I was too busy most of the time to think about taking photos (can you believe that?). That was far from my mind while preparing and serving up the grand spread of a meal that was, I feel, overall a success!  Even if I did forget to add the celery and onion to my stuffing/dressing, or if the mashed potatoes could have stuck to a wall because they were so thick (a quick fix by the sis-in-law made them all better).  But hey, if that was the worst of it then in my book I shall go on and toot my own horn (beep, beep) 'cause I didn't let it bother me really, it was simply laughable!

I am very happy and thankful to have gotten to be hostess to a fun and great group of people that I love.  Also for having them all here in our home and that I was able to prepare some delicious food for them, and to enjoy it along with them.  That's Thanksgiving to me!


The Hostess and Host!
Me and the Hubster


Our Daughters and their Grandmother-(Hubby's Mother)
Three beautiful women!


How do you seat ten at a table for six?  
The addition of a  4 x 8 sheet of plywood, equals instant larger table, along with chairs from another room.  Thanks to the Hubster for this idea, and friends giving us the idea years ago!
Although I was a bit skeptical, it worked out perfectly!


Our Daughter and Granddaughters


Our Daughter
...and part of me cooking away to the left.


Marty's Parents, His Brother and wife, Me and Marty


Family and Friends gathered together

~ Tammy ~