
Glittery-Gold & Gladiola Wreath

It was a gloomy and rainy day that led to my crafting this little lovely.  Hmm, maybe I should start that differently?...
"Once upon a time, it was a gloomy and rainy day, the sun was nowhere in sight.  I needed something to lighten my spirits, and brighten my day.  A craft project would be just the thing!"...

I had picked up a wreath form and some decorative mesh ribbon at the craft store some time ago.  I already had lots and lots, and lots of other ribbon in my stash - especially of the glittery and gold variety - from the after holidays sales.

I figured it was time to put those to good use and make something new and different for my door.  It is after all almost officially summer!  Yay!  Although this looks as if it could be used or the holidays, it goes quite well with my home's decor and suites my taste perfectly,  And, it adds a bit of glam to the 'inside' of my door, in our foyer area.  I can see being able to change it later on by adding different elements to it also.  I enjoy seeing it from different points of view, since I can see it from a couple connecting rooms, and I think it looks perfect there!


Decorative Mesh has become very popular.  I have seen many wreaths decorated using it, but I hadn't made one of that type yet.  I viewed a few tutorials on -decorating a wire wreath form using mesh ribbon- to get ideas.  I considered some of the methods used, then decided to use my own technique to make one.

I'm pleased with the results, and I'm lovin' the look of my new oh so 'glam' wreath!  Something I really like and enjoy about crafts and making things, is that sometimes I don't really have a firm plan and I just have fun with it, and it turns out well.  That makes it especially nice, and rewarding too.

-This was a quick and easy project, that took only minutes to complete.
I used a sixteen-inch wire wreath form, one roll of mesh ribbon measuring six-inches wide by ten yards long.  I simply pulled the mesh ribbon up through the inner, middle, and outer sections of the wreath form from behind, going around a few times and filling in each of the sections.

-I wrapped the mesh around and then through the wreath form covering all of the exposed wire that crossed the sections.  I used a gold wire edged ribbon on top, weaving it under each place where the mesh was wrapped around.  Adding a white gladiola, secured with craft wire, finished it off beautifully.

Glad it's so GLAM!...