
Wooden Pumpkin Sign - makeover.

I transformed a thrifty, discounted, wooden pumpkin sign into a piece of art to display on my door, by giving it a makeover using chalk paint!

While at the grocery store I took a moment to look through some discounted fall items located on their seasonal isle, I came across a wooden sign, among the other items.  I wasn't really in love with it at first glance, but the three-dollar price had me giving it another look.  My thoughts of planning a makeover for it had me quickly deciding it just might be worth the purchase and so I grabbed it up.

I liked the pumpkin shapes, the metal leaves and bells, but the burlap with the word HARVEST printed on it, not so much!

A bit of tugging, pulling, and some cutting had it down to a bare surface in short order.  A little sanding with fine grit sandpaper had it free of any glue residue, smooth, and ready for some paint.

I was going for a neutral look, since that is more my style, and has been my theme this year for fall.  With my stash of paint to the rescue, I gave it a base layer using white chalk paint, followed by a paint technique I used by applying another color of chalk paint called-timeless, and wiping it off slightly with a damp paper towel.

I kept at it until I had the look I wanted, and it looked like a pumpkin.  Uh, make that four pumpkins!

I have to admit that I kind of fell in love with it after it was all finished.  I was considering adding some letters to it, maybe spell out "Fall" or something?  But, for now, I like it just the way it is!