
Tammy's Tip Today - Let go and throw out the clutter

I wanted to share a tip today on a couple of useful lists I discovered.  One consists of 200 things to throw away, and the other is 25 Reasons to Get Rid of It.

With Spring approaching, what better time to do some de-cluttering, cleaning out, and organizing throughout the home.

I found these lists to be helpful and perfect for the encouragement of letting go!  Lots of things I hadn't thought about, and I'm sure I have some of them, in duplicate or more even.

I know I for one can admit that I am a bit of a hoarder, but, I also like to have order and organization, too.  Hmm, an organized hoarder, sounds laughable, huh?  It's the crafter and decorator in me.  The Hubby knows all too well what I am talking about.  I've said it before that I do have a need to "hang on" to things, like "I might use that for something, so don't throw that away!"  So my "craft closet" has become an over flow of scattered hiding places where I can put this and that for future use...someday!

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Just getting started may be the hardest part!
Items no longer needed that are in good condition can be donated, recycled, or perhaps sold, maybe via a garage sale if you're planning one and want to make some extra cash from your purge.  Throwing out some of the suggested old, or partially used items is a good place to start for de-cluttering.

Keeping those things that you love or make you happy is a good suggestion, if you really feel you can't part with something.  And, I like the rule of "have you used it in the past six months or longer?"  It may be time to let it go!  Remember to keep in mind not all things are appropriate to just throw out - batteries, paint, household cleaners or chemicals, find out how to safely dispose of those type of items. 

It may be best to start with one room at a time, then decide what to keep, what to donate, what can be recycled, and what to throw out.  Completing the process for each room before moving on to the next should help to keep things in order, and more in control.

Use the lists as a guild to help you let go!  I'll be trying to do just that over the next few weeks, as I get a jump on some Spring-cleaning.  I'm feeling empowered and know I can do this, we all can!

Visit the links at
Embracing for: 200 things to throw away
Martha 25 reasons to get rid it   Plus: 25 more reasons to get rid of it

Good Luck!...