
June in Bloom!

I don't know why, but, I'm feeling a bit surprised that it's June already!  I am enjoying that it's still "Spring" for a couple more weeks yet.  And, with it being one of my favorite seasons, I do always want it to last a bit longer!  I believe I could be happy with it being Spring year round!

Our patio area plants have been blooming nicely since early Spring.  I'm glad I had chosen some no-fuss plants and flowers for this area.  Almost all of these plant beauties seen here, have returned/regrown this year.  Even the purple Petunias in the hanging baskets!  I was so excited when I noticed their sprouts a couple of weeks ago.  I was planning on having to re-buy and re-plant more of them this year!  Gotta love the south!

The other plants are true perennials, The Royal Candles plants in the large pots (left and right), were added last year, and of course I love their flower color (purple) along with them being no-fuss.

The Hostas just in front of those pots are a favorite, these were divided from other plants nearby. The hostas are just such an easy plant, and I love their look.  Plus they'll also have blooms later on as tall spikes with flowers.

The Liriope -lily turf or monkey grass (center) is an attractive evergreen and another of my favorites.   They're nice filler plants that add texture, a deep green color, and the flower spikes that emerge later in the summer add more purple color too.  There is also a variegated variety, I have several of both.  They look nice in pots and planters as well!     

I transplanted the Clematis vine last year, and it has taken off this year.  I'm happy to see it is spreading out onto the trellis I have provided for it, and has started to bloom it's beautiful purple flowers.  I thought I had killed the poor plant after I had removed it from another area of the yard and potted it for a short while.  Thankfully, by the looks of it, I think it has forgiven me now!

Off in the distance to the right and sitting in the rock area, is a large pot of Vinca with violet-purple colored flowers, and a long planter full of lavender Irises, which are another transplant that I haven't yet decided where to put more permanently.  A bit of sand in the yard helps to level low spots, as well as fill-in patch-y areas of the Bermuda grass.

I'm no expert gardener, and have-not a green thumb, but, I have learned about a few plants through trail and error, what I like, and what works for me.  And, as I mentioned I like no-fuss, the easy doesn't require much attention, or time, types of plants, that also please me visually!

I may add some pretty annuals to the area soon.  I'll be looking forward to more growth and changes as time goes by!  For now, I'm enjoying June in Bloom!

Have a great weekend!...