
My Collected Treasures
~Cut-Glass and Crystal~

I adore all of my cut-glass and crystal items!  I've been collecting pieces over the years.  It all started with a gift of a beautiful set of crystal wine glasses from my sweet Mother-in-law. I've been hooked and collecting ever since, and love them all!

Almost everything here was found at an antique market or thrift store.  I think I screamed out loud with excitement the day I found the pitcher!  I often say "it's the thrill of the hunt!"  I love finding thrifty treasures.  I'm always on the lookout for more beautiful pieces like these.

I had a another good treasure hunting day when I found these beauties.
A few of my lovely finds were these cut glass pieces to add to my collection-a butter dish[$4] and six small plates[$7.5].  Also six beautiful hand embroidered linen napkins[$3].

They're all perfect for my dining room. I'm pattin' myself on the back because I almost didn't go looking/treasure hunting yesterday!

I enjoy finding items that I adore, and like using them in my home.  Using those special things and displaying them makes me happy, and they are a reflection of me and my style.

Use what makes you happy when decorating your home!

Happy treasure hunting, and decorating!