
Thrifty Treasure - China Cabinet

There was a time, long before I started collecting pretty things, i.e. cut-glass and crystal serving pieces, when I thought I didn't need or want a China cabinet!

This is my most expensive thrifty treasure thus far, but, "hellooo there beautiful!" I found her in an antique and thrift shop wearing a surprising *drum roll* ... $170 price tag!!!

I swooned over the large size, perfect condition and features, mirror backed with lighted glass shelves, those pretty windows, lots of storage space in both the upper and lower sections of this two piece cabinet, and the price had me sold on the idea that she would be mine!!!
...Well, that and after sending a photo along with the price info to hubby he said "I'll come over with my truck and pick it up for you right now, if you want it?!"*squeal* 

Needless to say I love them both, him and her, aka my beautiful cabinet! {It must be a "her" 'cause she's a beauty!}

My initial plan was perhaps painting it to lighten it up to better match with my dining set, but after getting it all set up in our dining room, we both decided we liked the light wood tone 'as is' ...For now! ...Maybe! ...We'll see!
I love having my collected pretties on display in my beautiful thrifty treasure of a China cabinet!

~I enjoy the thrill of the hunt, but it's always the score that I adore!