
Hello February
~The Month of LOVE ~

It's February!  The month of LOVE.

Hearts and Flowers are two of my favorite things.  I use them a lot in my decor.  So when February rolls around I'm all in on the Valentine's Day decor.  I have hearts-a-plenty, but that doesn't keep me from adding more if I come across a heart of two, or many!

These sweet little lovelies were a nice surprise found at Target, I couldn't resist scoring them from the dollar spot area, they’re perfect for me and Valentine’s Day!  And at only a few dollars they're perfect low-cost decorating items, I love that!

Hearts make me smile, I enjoy seeing them.  I tuck them in here and there.  They are little reminders of love and that makes me happy too!    

We’ve had a beautiful first weekend of February.  The month of LOVE is off to a great start!

~ Wishing you lots of love...