
Morning view

The view from our back deck this morning. 

As I sat on the back deck this morning, enjoying a very sunny and beautiful Sunday morning, along with a delicious cup of coffee in hand, the smell of the Privet hedges that are in full bloom are filling the air with sweetness! 
I decided to capture a few photos of that view and share it. 
Sorry, it's too bad this is not smell-a-vision! *wink*

The Privet Hedges

These bloom tiny white flowers that smell so sweet and it fills the air with it's fragrance!

A little closer view of the privet
(front and center here is a golden euonymus shrub)

A closer look at the privet blooms

This grows wild in my back yard and I try to control some of it.  
I enjoy its fast growth and that it adds to our privacy because it gets rather tall. 

I enjoy this time of year when it is in full bloom!  It's beautiful to look at, and smells so good.

Relaxing on a sweet Sunday morning! :o)