Morning view

The view from our back deck this morning. 

As I sat on the back deck this morning, enjoying a very sunny and beautiful Sunday morning, along with a delicious cup of coffee in hand, the smell of the Privet hedges that are in full bloom are filling the air with sweetness! 
I decided to capture a few photos of that view and share it. 
Sorry, it's too bad this is not smell-a-vision! *wink*

The Privet Hedges

These bloom tiny white flowers that smell so sweet and it fills the air with it's fragrance!

A little closer view of the privet
(front and center here is a golden euonymus shrub)

A closer look at the privet blooms

This grows wild in my back yard and I try to control some of it.  
I enjoy its fast growth and that it adds to our privacy because it gets rather tall. 

I enjoy this time of year when it is in full bloom!  It's beautiful to look at, and smells so good.

Relaxing on a sweet Sunday morning! :o)




Tammy is the design enthusiast behind the blog, Tips, Treats & Treasures, where her creativity is explored with a mixture of her artistic abilities and style through her home decorating, thrifty finds, DIY and creative craft projects, along with her family favorite recipes. She shares through her blog her ideas and helpful tips on everything she has learned over the years and much of which she is passionate about in the hope of inspiring others, with her own unique style storytelling.