Enjoying Mother's Day!

Mother's Day was an enjoyable day!  My youngest Daughter and I went out for a nice lunch, then a little shopping time afterwards to a couple of places.  We went to one of my favorite little boutiques, a place called Live, Laugh, Love! Which by the way is one of my favorite sayings if you didn't already know it!  She wanted to go there for me to pick out my Mother's Day gift.  It was sweet of her.  She got me a beautiful Brighton Bead to add to my bracelet.  We had a nice time and some good laughs throughout the day.

{I have to mention one part of the day in particular (if only for memory's sake), which was over-all quite amusing as we waited in line at the Starbucks drive-thru.  Suddenly we hear a commotion as we saw and heard a woman in the vehicle two cars ahead of us yelling out her window at the person in the car right in front of us, and directly behind her. The young girl behind her had bumped into her car and so she shouted "How you gonna hit me in the drive-thru!" The young girl that hit her then leans out her window to say "Oh Sorry!"  The woman that was shouting says, "Oh sorry? No you better be getting your insurance card!"

The woman then pulls on up to the window to get her order, while still yelling about the young girl behind her who hit her car and says to the person at the drive-thru window, "This girl behind me hits me while we are sittin' here on red!" and a few other words that we were unable to clearly make out! They both finished getting their orders as the one continued on with her yelling.  Then they pulled to the parking lot where they proceeded to do the necessary insurance gathering, while we finished getting our order.  As they pulled on up, it was clear that the woman who's car was hit did get her bumper damaged.  The young girl who hit the woman's bumper was probably feeling a bit intimidated by this verbal thrashing she was getting.  No one was hurt and it was a little fender-bender, but it made for a few laughs for us.  It was mostly because of the things that were being said, and the way she was saying them, that had us amused for sure.  We found ourselves repeating her words a few times as we laughed about it some more later on!}

After returning home I had a beautiful bouquet of Roses from Hubby waiting along with a special Mother's Day card!  What a Sweetheart!  I had received on the day before, a lovely Mother's Day card and some great photos in the mail from our oldest Daughter.  It was a special, unexpected treat.  She and I have plans to meet up this week to have a combined belated Mother's Day and Birthday for our littlest Granddaughter also! A fun day was had by our pups Aeon and Dallas too!  They were both tumbling and chasing each other most of the afternoon, and also again later on in the evening after the three of us returned from going out for some yummy pizza for dinner.  The pups wore me out just watching them!  I'm sure we will all sleep well tonight!

Mother and daughter.

A lunch treat!

Beautiful Roses from Hubby!

My Beautiful Brighton Bead from my youngest Daughter!

Aeon and Dallas had a fun Mother's Day too!

Mother's Day was a very enjoyable day!...
~ Tammy ~




Tammy is the design enthusiast behind the blog, Tips, Treats & Treasures, where her creativity is explored with a mixture of her artistic abilities and style through her home decorating, thrifty finds, DIY and creative craft projects, along with her family favorite recipes. She shares through her blog her ideas and helpful tips on everything she has learned over the years and much of which she is passionate about in the hope of inspiring others, with her own unique style storytelling.