* Our Daughter's Birthday *

~ Happy Birthday to my Daughter ~

You'll always be my baby!
Her 2nd Birthday 1988
Through the years you have brought so much joy to my life.  I am so very proud of the young woman you are today.  From the little girl who held my hand to the friend that holds a special place in my heart.  You are one of the most beautiful gifts this world has given me.  You are full of beauty, have a loving and caring heart, and you are truly an amazing person and special in so many ways.  You are a wonderful daughter and more than that, you are one of my closest and  dearest friends.  My life is certainly better for having had you in it.  You are very precious to me, and will always, always have my admiration, friendship and love.
You not only make me smile you make my heart smile too.
I Love You!

-A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future...

You are Beautiful!




Tammy is the design enthusiast behind the blog, Tips, Treats & Treasures, where her creativity is explored with a mixture of her artistic abilities and style through her home decorating, thrifty finds, DIY and creative craft projects, along with her family favorite recipes. She shares through her blog her ideas and helpful tips on everything she has learned over the years and much of which she is passionate about in the hope of inspiring others, with her own unique style storytelling.