Easter is on it's way...Hippity~Hoppity

Easter is on the way and Bunnies and Easter eggs are everywhere at the moment!
How could I not jump at the chance to add some to my decor...or shall I say ... hop to it?!

It’s “Bunny” season!!!  I meant Spring!  Cute bunnies are just so hard to resist, aren’t they?!
Well, Target knows this, so they put these sweet little bunnies out to temp us!...I mean me!

And, I totally fell for it!  Uh, also these cute wooden eggs, and adorable egg cups too!

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I’m so happy Spring is here...

I’m happy sweet little Miss Bunny is here too.  She had me instantly with that cute flower she’s wearing!  She’s letting everyone know...”SPRING IS HERE”

April arrived and she brought us Spring!!  Both the sign and the bunny are from Target, too!  I actually found the sign last year and it goes perfectly with Miss Bunny!

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And, how fortunate for me to have found such a pretty green egg while at the grocery store!   You just never know where you'll find cute home decor and accessories these days!

~ Enjoy the little things!!!...




Tammy is the design enthusiast behind the blog, Tips, Treats & Treasures, where her creativity is explored with a mixture of her artistic abilities and style through her home decorating, thrifty finds, DIY and creative craft projects, along with her family favorite recipes. She shares through her blog her ideas and helpful tips on everything she has learned over the years and much of which she is passionate about in the hope of inspiring others, with her own unique style storytelling.