Let there be light...from my beautiful Chandelier

My New (Old) Chandelier

I'd recently noticed an Antiques and Collectibles store had opened up nearby, and I had been meaning to stop in there to check it out.  My daughter and granddaughter were visiting, and we were just heading out for a day of shopping when I mentioned it to her, she said, "well, let's go there!", and so go there we did.

I am very glad we did because I found a chandelier that I knew would be a perfect addition to my home.  The fifty dollar price tag convinced me all the more that it should be mine, and so now...mine it is!

A big "thanks!" to the Hubby for his help with shopping for chain, wire, etc, doing the rewiring, and a splendid installation!  I said to him "You light up my life!" *giggle*

I purchased new lampshades for it, and now it looks even better.  I may yet change the lampshades I decided on using (I have an idea), but I am satisfied for now and so pleased every time I look at it. 

It's beautiful and I love it!

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This is what it looked like with the old shades that were worn and torn.  This photo shows more detail of the chandelier too!  I bought it with the intention of changing these shades, and I knew hubby could rewire it for me.  
Other than that, it's was in perfect condition!  

This is the chandelier that has now been replaced by the new (old) one!
It's not bad or ugly really, it's just that we have had it for 17 years!...and it just doesn't go as well 
with our new decor now.

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It's a real beauty now!

Lighting up my life!...




Tammy is the design enthusiast behind the blog, Tips, Treats & Treasures, where her creativity is explored with a mixture of her artistic abilities and style through her home decorating, thrifty finds, DIY and creative craft projects, along with her family favorite recipes. She shares through her blog her ideas and helpful tips on everything she has learned over the years and much of which she is passionate about in the hope of inspiring others, with her own unique style storytelling.