Happy July!

Hello JULY! Please linger a while longer than June, I'm certainly hoping you will!


In just a few days we will celebrate the annual holiday of our nations independence along with many other Americans on the Fourth of July!   A day for sharing time with family and friends while enjoying picnics and bar-b-ques, dazzled by sparklers and fireworks lighting the night with grand patriotic flare.  Viewing countless amounts of our American flags waving as our grand ole flags of red, white and blue are so proudly displayed.  A day of celebration to feel especially proud to be a part of this great nation, and great pride in being an American.  Happy July to everyone, and may we all have a safe and happy Fourth of July!


In honor of this month and the Fourth of July holiday, this heart is on my front door proudly displaying our red, white and blue and our love for the USA!  I found this metal heart with the painted flag detail at a country store, and I knew the minute I laid eyes on it that it had to be mine!


I found this cute sparkly heart at the dollar store and I just had to bring it home, it's now displayed on my frig for July too.

God Bless the USA!...




Tammy is the design enthusiast behind the blog, Tips, Treats & Treasures, where her creativity is explored with a mixture of her artistic abilities and style through her home decorating, thrifty finds, DIY and creative craft projects, along with her family favorite recipes. She shares through her blog her ideas and helpful tips on everything she has learned over the years and much of which she is passionate about in the hope of inspiring others, with her own unique style storytelling.