Winter themed shelf

Oh there's a chill in the air and it feels like winter!  After the holidays I put together a winter themed display on my shelf.  

Though we don't get a lot of winter weather here, it does get cold from time to time.  This weekend was been cold and wet!  Since it's been very chilly here I thought that was a good time to share my shelf I decorated for winter.

I found the small glass demi-john jar a while back at Hobby Lobby.  I loved that it was small in comparison to the ones I've seen, and thought I had wanted.  It's nice when things work out that way, just wait a while and you'll possibly change your mind about something.   I added some greenery and dressed up the demi-john with a tasseled tieback.  

I've had the chalkboard (also from hobby lobby), I put it away last year and found it with the phrase "Baby it's cold outside" still on it and simply retraced the letters so it would stand out.  The other side is burlap and has a note clip attached. 

The winter candles were from Kohl's, I picked them up last minute just before Christmas on mark-down.  They have been moved around the house a bit since I got them.  I really liked that they looked like birch trees, and they had a touch of winter greenery and pine cones.   

Mr Snowman was found at Ross, I think he's pretty cute and he has a fragrance sachet inside.  He keeps watch and he makes me smile even if I am feeling unhappy about the cold weather!

A couple pine cones and the "January" block from my mini wooden calendar, completes my winter theme.  I'm hoping winter will hurry up and pass on by.  Stay warm!

Happy decorating!,,,




Tammy is the design enthusiast behind the blog, Tips, Treats & Treasures, where her creativity is explored with a mixture of her artistic abilities and style through her home decorating, thrifty finds, DIY and creative craft projects, along with her family favorite recipes. She shares through her blog her ideas and helpful tips on everything she has learned over the years and much of which she is passionate about in the hope of inspiring others, with her own unique style storytelling.