April Fools!


I love a good practical joke, as long as no one gets hurt, well physically anyway!  Some people may not be able to take a joke.  For the most part I believe most people can.  Since I love to laugh, why would I not love a good practical joke, eh?  I have a few memories of some of my antics.  My family has gotten to where they expect me to get up to something on the ol' April Fool's day.  

I have gotten the Hubster with a few good ones.  I had him convinced one year (via a phone conversation) that a couple of men had just come to our home to repo his truck, and that they were on their way to his work address to repo it, since they had quoted me the work address and asked conformation of it being correct. I apologized profusely to him over the phone, and said "I don't know how but the past few payments had not been received."  Well of course he was not very happy with me or the situation at this point, and he became very silent.  I said " Are you there, hello?"  He replied "Yes! I'm just trying to think of where I'm going to go hide my truck!"  I'm feeling like I better let him off the hook, or myself I mean, and then I said "Well maybe you should just not worry about it and be glad that I made an April fool out of you!"  He was indeed relieved and let out a sigh and a laugh, and then said " OK you got me!"  

I've done other little silly things like, a rubber band around the spray nozzle at the kitchen sink.  This one always gets the user of the facet spayed with water when they turn it on!  Also beware, this one could make 'em mad, but hey it's only water!  I also had him thinking I was handing him a hot cup of coffee while he was sitting down in a living room chair.  I carried an empty cup oh so carefully, as if it was full and hot, and then acted as if I stumbled and started to dump it on him.  He did come up about  four foot into the air, and then he saw that there was nothing in the cup!  He shook his head at me and then we both had a good laugh afterwards!  Well maybe I had a better laugh on that one!  All in good fun!  He warns me that I have a couple doozies coming my way, all well deserved I know!  I'm looking over my shoulder, trust me!  

All in good fun!...




Tammy is the design enthusiast behind the blog, Tips, Treats & Treasures, where her creativity is explored with a mixture of her artistic abilities and style through her home decorating, thrifty finds, DIY and creative craft projects, along with her family favorite recipes. She shares through her blog her ideas and helpful tips on everything she has learned over the years and much of which she is passionate about in the hope of inspiring others, with her own unique style storytelling.