Ever have one of those days?

Ever have one of those days?  You know like where you say that quote to yourself, "Maybe I should just go back to bed and then start my day over, or perhaps get out on the right side?!"  Well whatever comes to mind similarly to those anyway.  My day began with me stubbing my toe on the doorway as I sleepily walked to the bathroom.  That provoked some choice words, a bit of a limp and a very sour mood which of its self was bad enough.  But then shortly after that I was really not happy when I realized I didn't have any creamer for my morning coffee enjoyment that I am use to having, needing and wanting to begin my day with.  "Pffft! Why me?!", I was thinking.

Well off I went, or limped, to the local drug store because it was the closest and quickest for said creamer.  I parked my car carefully away from others as I always do, in hope of not getting my doors dinged.  As I approached the store to go in I saw a person with a severe walking disability and so I slowed my step to allow them time to get to, and through the automatic doors ahead of me.  It felt like it took forever and I thought maybe I should have just hurried passed them instead of waiting for them!  I then entered after they did and quickly got my creamer and also snagged a few other items along the way to the check-out.  I found myself now waiting behind someone who began counting out change to make their purchase.  I started thinking "Oh great this should really take forever, and how quickly I achieve my purchases with my handy debit card!"  I may have even let out a breath of disgust!  Yes re-thinking it, I'm sure I must have!  Eventually, my creamer was purchased, bagged and in hand as I headed out feeling a little peeved that the 'change counter' took so long!  As I entered my car I saw the person that had paid with change leaving in a car that looked like it belonged at the junk yard, and it sounded like it too.  I am really surprised that thing was even running, let alone drivable.  I thought to myself, "I sure wouldn't like it if I had to drive that car!"

I started feeling a little shameful and also felt sorry, and well, not real happy...with myself. Ya know?  I like to think that I am most often usually a good person, someone who's considerate, compassionate and sympathetic of others.  But I realized up until that point that I wasn't being, and all I had been concerned with and wanted was my own self pity for my stubbed toe, and my self fulfillment of my wants, and I had been a little mad at the world.  It was then at that moment too that I was saying "Thank you God" and feeling very grateful for the many blessings in my life!"  Not just the material things, but my life as a whole and my love for, and from my family.  How fortunate and grateful I truly am for that, and them.  Also how much I truly do appreciate my nice car that I worry about where to park, and that my debit card is always money whenever I need it, and that my stubbed toe was something I would recover from, unlike the person with the severe walking disability.

More to the point, what I'm trying to say is... 
Sometimes we need a reminder, or to remember that others have more to worry about or have it worse than we do.  When I think of or see the problems and struggles that others have, it's a huge realization that I really don't have any problems, or anything at all to complain about!  Nothing at all!  

It's very humbling, when you have one of those days!...
~ Tammy ~




Tammy is the design enthusiast behind the blog, Tips, Treats & Treasures, where her creativity is explored with a mixture of her artistic abilities and style through her home decorating, thrifty finds, DIY and creative craft projects, along with her family favorite recipes. She shares through her blog her ideas and helpful tips on everything she has learned over the years and much of which she is passionate about in the hope of inspiring others, with her own unique style storytelling.